Love, Joy, Peace...
The Divine Church of God USA

Welcome to The Divine Church of God USA

About Us

The Divine Church of God USA was divinely inspired, bringing together a dedicated group of Christians in unity to follow the guidance of the Holy Spirit. Following earnest prayers and consulting with the Assistant Overseer of the Divine Churches of God, we aligned ourselves with a network of churches headquartered in Kingston, Jamaica. After weeks of home-based meetings, the Lord graciously provided us with a venue in the Bronx for His service.

Throughout the years, our journey has been marked by various transformations guided by our faith. Today, we proudly stand as a sanctuary in a community yearning for a Savior, committed to spreading the love and power of Jesus Christ to all who call upon His name.

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Divine Church of God’s mission is to fulfill Christ’s commission to proclaim the Good News of the Gospel, to impart spiritual knowledge to transform repentant lives into strong, committed believers, and to usher in the proclamation of the coming Kingdom through ministry and social missions.

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To transform the lives of everyone who comes into contact with the ministry through the power of God.

To become a place of refuge for the community and the afflicted, fulfilling the mandate of Christ.

To exemplify true discipleship as taught by Jesus.

To restore hope to God’s people, rebuild broken communities, and transform lives.

To expand the ministry globally with passionate followers of God who are proficient in ministry and actively involved in discipleship and fulfilling God’s call on their lives.

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